Sunday Life Groups 9 AM | Sunday Worship 10 AM | Wednesday Prayer, Youth Group & Awana 7 PM 

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Community Baptist seeks to fulfill Christ's great commission (Matthew 28:18-20) to share the Good News of Christ's redemption. Our missions program encompasses personal evangelism; church planting; church-sponsored mission trips; and the support of missionaries, both at home and abroad. If you would like to hear the Good News that can change your life, click here.

CBC supports the following missionaries:

Dave and Claudia Barba (USA, church planting)

Dr. Jim and Jacqui Harmeling (Singapore)

David and Kim Huffman (Atlanta)

Pastor Dieupie Chérubin (Haiti)

Mark and Tammisue Kittrell (Pacific Rim Missions)

Community Baptist Church has been priviledged to take multiple missions trips over the years. We've taken teams to help US church planters, and 5 different trips to Haiti. In Haiti, we've been able to help rebuild after the earthquake, help with VBS, help with summer camp in preaching, teaching and running games, and helped serve as some of the first boots on the ground in the planting of church in the mountains there. We look forward to spreading the gospel at home and abroad for years to come!