Sunday Life Groups 9 AM | Sunday Worship 10 AM | Wednesday Prayer, Youth Group & Awana 7 PM 

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Ladies' Ministry

The purpose of our ladies' ministry is to know Christ intimately and minister His grace to one another, our families, and our community. The CBC ladies have opportunities for fellowship, spiritual encouragement, and outreach through Bible studies, activities, retreats, showers, and caregiving.



Our ladies meet throughout the year for various activities. These provide an easy way for our ladies to fellowship, have fun together, and to introduce their friends to our church! Our ladies also enjoy times together for bridal and baby showers, which are a huge way our church seeks to encourage young families!

The ladies take advantage of times to encourage one another and grow spiritually at their annual ladies retreat and with coordinated, small group Bible studies throughout the year.

For out next activity, please visit the CBC calendar